Traditional Game Industry
Client & Situation
- Market-defining Player of the game industry
- German and international Footprint
- Current Management-Focus: cultural and structural change, digitalization as well as innovation
- Low degree of innovation
Approach & Excubate Support
- Planning of a succession of different working modes, based on methods and processes of the Corporate Startup Campus in order to test different scopes of application
- Customization of the Corporate Startup Campus Projects according to the respective project goals
- Conduction of three Corporate Startup Campus Projects:
- One complete Campus-Cycle (3 Days per Week, 12 Weeks)
- To Campus-Cycles „light“ (e.g. 1 Day per Week, 12 Weeks)
- Support through planned sequence of several Corporate Startup Campus Projects to achieve 3 goals:
- Direct employee-development of participating employees
- Initiation of a new work and company culture
- Development and validation of innovative products and business models