Digitalization and sustainability require your business to change.

Our promise
Excubate delivers new levels of Corporate Transformation and Innovation in a way that is second to none.
Our approach
As a management consultancy, we work with our clients to digitally transform and innovate their business models by combining the best of both worlds - the corporate world and the start-up world. From strategy to action.
We collaborate with you across the entire lifecycle of Corporate Transformation and Innovation.




Strategic Reinvention
Digital Ambition & Strategy Development
Designing a holistic strategy to tackle digital & innovation
Leveraging our vast experience in top level strategy consulting,
we are able to design a comprehensive digital strategy for our clients. After a thorough analysis of market, customers and stakeholders, we derive concrete focus areas for a future-proof business.
Digital Portfolio Management
Bringing transparency to digital initiatives
Our proven portfolio frameworks and indicators for digital initiatives are designed to give stakeholders across all levels – up to top management – the needed level of transparency.
Check out Excubate’s Digital Value Management including our proprietary SaaS-Tool. The Digital Value Canvas® enables full transparency and effective communication on the value creation for your digital initiatives.
Digital & Innovation Culture and Skill Building
Preparing your workforce to innovate
Building digital capabilities is a key success factor to master corporate reinvention and move towards an ever-learning organization. Our solutions in this field range from agile trainings to digital role identification over intrapreneurship programs to customized coaching approaches. Culture change requires a self-empowering incentivation system as well as community building events.
Digital & Innovation Hub Design, Buildup and Operation
Creating your speedboat for corporate innovation
We support companies in designing and implementing the right organizational structure to scale agile ways of working – from reorganizing the core business to launching innovation hubs, accelerators and incubators.
Trend, Technology and Startup Radar
Staying up to date in your industry
Staying up to date with emerging technologies, upcoming trends and new business models is crucial to staying ahead of the innovation cycle. We provide you thorough analyses in a well-structured and professional format, for all industries and business areas which are relevant for your corporation. As a result of the insights, relevant business model innovation projects can be launched to not only uplift your core business, but also reveal additional new revenue sources.
Cross-Industry Partnering & Corporate Venturing
Building strong and lasting partnerships to boost your innovation footprint
To keep up with fast innovation cycles we develop
comprehensive cross industry or startup partnering strategies for your company. It is a challenging task to decide whether building, buying or partnering is the best way to embark into new business models. We guide and consult cooperations on this journey. No matter what the final recommendation of those projects is, we are prepared to continue our support by choosing the right partner for an acquisition, developing a partnering strategy and bringing it up and running or building the business independently.
Core Business Transformation
Digital Efficiency Optimization
Applying startup-like pragmatism to reach efficiency gains
Being entrepreneurs at heart, we support corporations finding the right size for organizational structures as well as digital efficiency levers. Based on thorough analyses we rebuild and adapt company structures and processes and transform them into startup-like high performance, agile teams and workflows across all functions.
Customer Experience Management
Transforming customer experiences into digital experiences
Designing appealing and functional customer experiences is crucial to stay relevant for the customer. Startups and Tech giants put the customer in the center of their operations and experiences which is why customer expectations and requirements in terms of ease-of-use will rise continuously. Based on our cross-industry experience we know current design benchmarks and will revolutionize digital experiences your customers will love, leading to increased sales and satisfaction.
Digital Product Management
Developing digital products into successful businesses
Needs of product management changed as digital products emerged during the past years – less marketing focused, rather customer- and technology-driven. A good Digital Product Manager is able to communicate (with tech and business units, top management and most importantly the customer), data-driven and comfortable in taking decisions in VUCA environments. Our team has broad experiences – from Startup to Silicon Valley company – developing or pivoting existing digital products. That ensures the further development and expansion of existing digital products and underlying business models.
Agile Transformation Project Management
Adding startup-like pragmatism to digital transformation
With our best practice approach for transformation projects, we deliver fast and tangible project outcomes. We join forces with internal project teams and bring our hybrid expertise in agile methodologies and industry knowledge while being output driven and high paced. Specifically designed to deliver guidance and transparency, our own Corporate Transformation Canvas will help to achieve project goals and milestones.

New Business Innovation
New Business Ideation & Validation
Building a foundation for new business opportunities
Innovation starts off with a relevant customer pain and an idea to solve it. Using best practice methods like Design Thinking or Value Proposition Design, we kickstart the idea funnel together with our clients in highly customized and structured workshops. Subsequently, most promising ideas will be validated and transformed into a new business innovation project. Subsequently, most promising ideas will be validated and transformed into a new business innovation project.
Business Model Innovation - Corporate Startup Campus
Building a new Business Model within 36 days
Based on a rough business idea and together with a team of our customers, we engage in intensive validation projects covering all relevant areas of a business model. Using state of the art methodology like Jobs-to-be-done, rapid prototyping, customer experiments and Value Proposition Canvas we are able to define, pivot and validate a business model incl. a working prototype within 8 to 12 weeks. In order to create a startup-like spirit within our cross-functional teams we highly recommend our customers to deploy their best talents and let them work offsite with full focus on the Corporate Startup Campus goal. Guided by our hybrid coaches, such projects can showcase the cooperation’s innovation potential and act as lighthouse projects for the whole company.
1.0 Market Test & Pilot
Proving business impact of validated business models
After a successful business model validation, we will continue to support the corporate intrapreneurs while building a first release 1.0 of the business model to be tested at scale in the real market. Through our entrepreneurial experience, technology and development skills as well as hands-on know-how and our broad network, we help to shorten time to market and develop the team into entrepreneurs.
Growing businesses and startup teams - Growing businesses and startup teams
Growing businesses and startup teams
A proven business model and first market success is only a beginning and a transition to the most crucial and challenging part of building a company. Scaling a company not only means scaling revenue, customer base and market or product offering but also scaling processes, technology and team. We support our clients bringing in best practices of diverse scaling projects, experiences of own Startups ensuring maximum speed and the development of a working operating model.

Excubate Consulting in numbers
Years experience in transformation, innovation & building and scaling start-ups
Successful projects in digitalisation, innovation & venture building
Different industries served worldwide
Innovative business models developed
Mid- to large-sized companies as clients

Excubate – working with an entrepreneurial mindset to advance Cross-Industry Innovation.
Case Studies
Set-up of a Digital Innovation Portfolio Management
Development of a Big Data Strategy and Guardrails
Development of an IOT Business Setup, Smartly Separated from Core Business
Development of a Group-wide Partnering Strategy
Design of a Digital Unit to drive Digitalization of the Core Business
Scaling digital businesses: Excubate Business Model Audit

The Autonomous Electric Vehicle (AEV) – turning point or imperceptible change?
This article provides a perspective on the current state and future direction of leading automotive nations with regards to two emerging technologies, electric vehicles (EVs) and (semi-)autonomous vehicles (AVs), which we believe will come together (AEVs).

The best Change Agent is not a Change Agent
Based on our experience, we have developed a well-defined view on how change works and how an “agent” can or cannot drive it.

4-week Excubate Digital Business Model Audit – Evaluation of Digital Business Model Scalability
Excubate’s 4-week digital business model audit enables early identification of potential scaling barriers.

Realizing tangible business value with AI technology
Read on to learn more about the basics of AI, Excubate’s AI player selection process, and a brief introduction to an example AI manufacturing solution.

How to (really) validate a business idea with a prototype
Value Creation with Digital Products and Services: Digital Value Canvas Part 3 – Outer Ring
The Outer Ring covers goodwill-type, less quantifiable benefits

Value Creation with Digital Products and Services: Digital Value Canvas Part 2: Middle Ring
The Middle Ring covers indirect commercial benefits

Value Creation with Digital Products and Services: Digital Value Canvas Part 1: Inner Ring
The prevalent approach to product value evaluation