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Digitalization and sustainability require your business to change.

Excubate- Consulting

Our promise

Excubate delivers new levels of Corporate Transformation and Innovation in a way that is second to none.

Our approach

As a management consultancy, we work with our clients to digitally transform and innovate their business models by combining the best of both worlds - the corporate world and the start-up world. From strategy to action.

We collaborate with you across the entire lifecycle of Corporate Transformation and Innovation.

Core Business
Excubate- Consulting

Strategic Reinvention

Designing a holistic strategy to tackle digital & innovation

Leveraging our vast experience in top level strategy consulting,
we are able to design a comprehensive digital strategy for our clients. After a thorough analysis of market, customers and stakeholders, we derive concrete focus areas for a future-proof business.

Bringing transparency to digital initiatives

Our proven portfolio frameworks and indicators for digital initiatives are designed to give stakeholders across all levels – up to top management – the needed level of transparency.

Check out Excubate’s Digital Value Management including our proprietary SaaS-Tool. The Digital Value Canvas® enables full transparency and effective communication on the value creation for your digital initiatives.

Preparing your workforce to innovate

Building digital capabilities is a key success factor to master corporate reinvention and move towards an ever-learning organization. Our solutions in this field range from agile trainings to digital role identification over intrapreneurship programs to customized coaching approaches. Culture change requires a self-empowering incentivation system as well as community building events.

Creating your speedboat for corporate innovation

We support companies in designing and implementing the right organizational structure to scale agile ways of working – from reorganizing the core business to launching innovation hubs, accelerators and incubators.

Staying up to date in your industry

Staying up to date with emerging technologies, upcoming trends and new business models is crucial to staying ahead of the innovation cycle. We provide you thorough analyses in a well-structured and professional format, for all industries and business areas which are relevant for your corporation. As a result of the insights, relevant business model innovation projects can be launched to not only uplift your core business, but also reveal additional new revenue sources.

Building strong and lasting partnerships to boost your innovation footprint

To keep up with fast innovation cycles we develop
comprehensive cross industry or startup partnering strategies for your company. It is a challenging task to decide whether building, buying or partnering is the best way to embark into new business models. We guide and consult cooperations on this journey. No matter what the final recommendation of those projects is, we are prepared to continue our support by choosing the right partner for an acquisition, developing a partnering strategy and bringing it up and running or building the business independently.

Core Business Transformation

Applying startup-like pragmatism to reach efficiency gains

Being entrepreneurs at heart, we support corporations finding the right size for organizational structures as well as digital efficiency levers. Based on thorough analyses we rebuild and adapt company structures and processes and transform them into startup-like high performance, agile teams and workflows across all functions.

Transforming customer experiences into digital experiences

Designing appealing and functional customer experiences is crucial to stay relevant for the customer. Startups and Tech giants put the customer in the center of their operations and experiences which is why customer expectations and requirements in terms of ease-of-use will rise continuously. Based on our cross-industry experience we know current design benchmarks and will revolutionize digital experiences your customers will love, leading to increased sales and satisfaction.

Developing digital products into successful businesses

Needs of product management changed as digital products emerged during the past years – less marketing focused, rather customer- and technology-driven. A good Digital Product Manager is able to communicate (with tech and business units, top management and most importantly the customer), data-driven and comfortable in taking decisions in VUCA environments. Our team has broad experiences – from Startup to Silicon Valley company – developing or pivoting existing digital products. That ensures the further development and expansion of existing digital products and underlying business models.

Adding startup-like pragmatism to digital transformation

With our best practice approach for transformation projects, we deliver fast and tangible project outcomes. We join forces with internal project teams and bring our hybrid expertise in agile methodologies and industry knowledge while being output driven and high paced. Specifically designed to deliver guidance and transparency, our own Corporate Transformation Canvas will help to achieve project goals and milestones.

Core Business Transformation
New Business innovation

New Business Innovation

Building a foundation for new business opportunities

Innovation starts off with a relevant customer pain and an idea to solve it. Using best practice methods like Design Thinking or Value Proposition Design, we kickstart the idea funnel together with our clients in highly customized and structured workshops. Subsequently, most promising ideas will be validated and transformed into a new business innovation project. Subsequently, most promising ideas will be validated and transformed into a new business innovation project.

Building a new Business Model within 36 days

Based on a rough business idea and together with a team of our customers, we engage in intensive validation projects covering all relevant areas of a business model. Using state of the art methodology like Jobs-to-be-done, rapid prototyping, customer experiments and Value Proposition Canvas we are able to define, pivot and validate a business model incl. a working prototype within 8 to 12 weeks. In order to create a startup-like spirit within our cross-functional teams we highly recommend our customers to deploy their best talents and let them work offsite with full focus on the Corporate Startup Campus goal. Guided by our hybrid coaches, such projects can showcase the cooperation’s innovation potential and act as lighthouse projects for the whole company.

Proving business impact of validated business models

After a successful business model validation, we will continue to support the corporate intrapreneurs while building a first release 1.0 of the business model to be tested at scale in the real market. Through our entrepreneurial experience, technology and development skills as well as hands-on know-how and our broad network, we help to shorten time to market and develop the team into entrepreneurs.

Growing businesses and startup teams

A proven business model and first market success is only a beginning and a transition to the most crucial and challenging part of building a company. Scaling a company not only means scaling revenue, customer base and market or product offering but also scaling processes, technology and team. We support our clients bringing in best practices of diverse scaling projects, experiences of own Startups ensuring maximum speed and the development of a working operating model.

New Business innovation

Excubate Consulting in numbers

0 +

Years experience in transformation, innovation & building and scaling start-ups

0 +

Successful projects in digitalisation, innovation & venture building

0 +

Different industries served worldwide

0 +

Innovative business models developed

0 +

Mid- to large-sized companies as clients

Excubate Ventures

Excubate – working with an entrepreneurial mindset to advance Cross-Industry Innovation.

Case Studies


New Business Innovation

Start-ups pose challenges to your business and new players tap into your markets. The only successful solution is to disrupt your own business and continuously develop new business models - internally and in collaboration with other industries. We help you build your business model of the future - even if or precisely because it will cannibalize your existing business.

Core Business Transformation

In order to remain competitive in today's rapidly changing world to remain competitive in today's fast-changing world, companies must transform their focus. The use of digital technologies and agile working methods transforms existing business models and enables new opportunities for revenue and value creation. We guide you through the process of becoming a digital enterprise.

Strategic Reinvention

Digitization, organization and new technologies are changing customer behavior and accelerating the way value is created. Companies must constantly reinvent themselves and question their strategy, business models, organization, processes and resources in order to remain relevant and marketable.

Basierend auf Ihren Innovations-/Unternehmerambitionen helfen wir Ihnen, die richtige Ressource zu identifizieren, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen.

  • Sobald die Ziele für Ihr Unternehmen klar sind, ist es an der Zeit, die richtigen Ressourcen zu besetzen. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne dabei, die notwendigen Fähigkeiten zu identifizieren, um Ihre Innovations-/Unternehmerziele erfolgreich umzusetzen.

  • Gerne identifizieren wir mit Ihnen die erforderliche Rolle des Unternehmers für Ihre individuellen Herausforderungen.

  • Über unser Netzwerk und unsere Rekrutierungskanäle bieten wir Ihnen Zugang zu erfahrenen Unternehmern mit den individuellen Fähigkeiten, die Sie benötigen, und einer Kultur, die zu Ihrem Unternehmen passt.

  • Wir begleiten den Onboarding-Prozess aktiv und helfen Ihnen, die individuellen Ziele und den gewünschten Zusammenarbeitsmodus auf Basis des Governance-Modells zu vereinbaren.

Um die Ausrichtung Ihrer Innovationsambitionen zu operationalisieren, ist der Aufbau eines strukturierten Innovationsportfoliomanagements inklusive Bewertungssystemen unerlässlich, um die richtigen Entscheidungen bezüglich Projektauswahl, Ressourcenallokation zu treffen und dadurch ein attraktives Rendite-Risiko-Verhältnis zu erzielen.

  • Lassen Sie uns Auswahlkriterien definieren, um die vielversprechendsten Projekte zu identifizieren, die strategisch zu Ihren Zielen passen, und sie mit der bestmöglichen Ressourcenallokation zu besetzen.

  • Wir bringen Erfahrung in der Erstellung eines strukturierten Innovationstrichters von der Ideengenerierung bis zur Umsetzung eines skalierbaren MVP mit.

  • Wir helfen Ihnen beim Aufbau eines Projektsteuerungs- und Bewertungssystems mit klaren Schlüsselergebnissen für jede Phase. Wir helfen Ihnen, die richtigen externen, internen und finanziellen Bewertungskriterien zu identifizieren.

  • Wir helfen Ihnen, branchenspezifische Zeitrahmen und Budgetgrenzen pro Entwicklungsphase des Innovation Funnels zu definieren.

  • Gerne stellen wir Ihnen pro Schritt die notwendigen Dokumente/Vorlagen zur Verfügung, die Ihnen eine strukturierte Auswertung der einzelnen Aktivitäten ermöglichen.

Mit unserer branchenübergreifenden Expertise unterstützen wir Sie dabei, die richtige strategische Ausrichtung Ihrer Innovationsaktivitäten zu definieren. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen besteht das Ziel darin, den organisatorischen Aufbau für Ihre Innovations-/Entrepreneurship-Aktivitäten darzustellen.

  • Basierend auf Ihrer Vision oder Strategie helfen wir Ihnen, die strategischen Ziele und zentralen Säulen Ihrer Innovationsstrategie/Ambition zu definieren. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam identifizieren, wo der Fokus Ihrer Innovationsaktivitäten in Bezug auf interne Transformation, aber auch Geschäftsmodellinnovation & Corporate Entrepreneurship liegen sollte.

  • Wir führen Markt- und Trendanalysen für Ihr Unternehmen/Ihre Branche durch, um dessen Entwicklung zu identifizieren und vorherzusehen. Dazu analysieren wir Ihre gesamte Wertschöpfungskette im Hinblick auf Disruptionspotenziale durch innovative Player wie Start-ups.

  • Wir helfen Ihnen, die strategischen Stoßrichtungen für Ihren Innovation Hub abzuleiten und die relevanten Suchfelder für Ihre Innovations-/ Entrepreneurship-Aktivitäten zu spezifizieren.

  • Mit unserer Expertise aus vergleichbaren Projekten unterstützen wir Sie aktiv mit Best Practices beim organisatorischen Aufbau Ihrer Innovationseinheit. Eine beispielhafte Fragestellung ist, wie die Corporate-Entrepreneurship-Aktivitäten personell besetzt werden sollten, welche Rollen typischerweise benötigt werden und welche Berichtsstrukturen in Ihr Unternehmen vorhanden sein sollten.

Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Analyse der Ist-Situation und skizzieren mit den folgenden exemplarischen Fragen das gewünschte Zielbild

  • Haben Sie in Ihrem Unternehmen ein Innovationsprogramm installiert, um Ihre Innovationsaktivitäten zu strukturieren? (von Einzelleistungen bis zum Ablauf eines strukturierten Prozesses)

  • Gibt es eine klare Innovations-/Corporate Entrepreneurship-Strategie? (vom einem reaktiven Führer zu einem Innovationsführer, der bereits im Markt bereits das traditionelle Geschäftsmodell disruptiert)

  • Gibt es ein eigenes Fördermodell für das Innovationsprogramm? (Von Leihen von Budgets aus externen Quellen bis hin zur Sicherstellung des Zugriffs auf eigene Innovationsbudgets. Dies in Abhängigkeit vom Projektfortschritt und der Verfügbarkeit eines Modells, in dem Mitarbeiter eigene Unternehmen gründen können, inkl. Investitionspartnerschaften)

  • Haben Sie ein eigenes Staffing- & Incentive-Modell für interessierte Mitarbeiter? Vom Pushen von Innovationsaktivitäten als zusätzliche 10%-Aktivität bis hin zu klaren Allokationsschemata inkl. Anreizen)

We help you analyse the current situation and sketch out the desired target image with the following exemplary questions

  • Do you have an innovation programme installed in your company to structure your innovation activities? (from individual efforts to running a structured process)

  • Is there a clear innovation/ Corporate Entrepreneurship strategy? (from reactive to being an innovations leader in the market and already disrupting the traditional business model)

  • Is there a dedicated funding model for the innovation programme? (from borrowing budgets from other sources to ensuring access to own innovation budgets depending on the progress of the project and the availability of a model in which employees can start own ventures incl. investment partnerships)

  • Do you have your own staffing & incentive model for interested employees? (from pushing innovation activities as an additional 10% activity to clear allocation schemes incl. incentives)