Transforming your idea into a successful venture with experienced venture teams
We successfully build, launch and scale your new business model within 6-18 months using our proven, ready-to-use venture builder environment.

The challenge

Advanced trainings over 1-2 days in a thematic focus, for the creation of basics and/or consolidation

the best
Lack of resources and right partners to build a new business model prevent to involve the best.

Risk aversion and fear of damage to brand and reputation prevent to go bold.

Little start-up and entrepreneurial knowhow and mindeset prevent to embrace uncertainty.

Our approach
We are tackling these challenges with our proven, ready-to-use environment to kickstart your business model - quickly and successfully!
The Venture Terms
Legal venture blueprint
incl. how to set-up and structure the legal vehicle to found and operate your new business
Legal vehicle/entity itself
in which the new business will be built and operated to reduce business and reputational risks
Investment & Equity Model
incl. contracts and paperwork ready for different scenarios of equity logic and financing

The Venture Team
Fully-staffed interim team
of experienced entrepreneurs and management consultants with all required skills ready to start immediately
Professional HR capabilities
incl. recruiting service to fill the future positions with the best suited professionals
High profile delivery network
to access experts from various industries and fields and a great VC, PE and BA network
The Venture Tech
Best in class SW developers
as well as data and platform experts to build flexible, scalable and state of the art architectures
Specialized HW engineers
who select, build or develop the most effective and efficient hardware infrastructure
Digital/Data growth marketers
who build digital and scalable growth mechanisms across all channels to accelerate sales
To successfully launch and scale your new business, we use a proven, agile approach that follows a clear and structured process

- Vertragserstellung inkl. Entscheidungsprozesse, Steuerungsmodell, Finanzierung sowie Eigenkapitalmodell
- Gründen der rechtlichen Einheit

- Aufbau eines Interim-Teams inkl.
- Geschäftsführeraufbau der HR-Prozesse sowie des zukünftigen Teams zur Skalierung des Ventures

- Aufsetzen der Struktur
- Entwicklung der Produkte Optimierung des Geschäfts-modells basierend auf bisheriger Arbeit
- Onboarding von Service Partnern

- Vollständiger Betrieb
- Steuern aller Bereiche
- Vertrieb und Marketing Aktivitäten
- Gewinnen erster Kunden

- Verbessern und standardisieren
- Steuern des Rollouts und der Skalierung
- Expansion vorantreiben
- Prozesse optimieren

- Entscheidung und Umsetzung der zuvor definierten Optionen nach der Skalierung, z.B. Reintegration in den Konzern
1. Set-up
- Develop contracts incl. decision-making processes, venture steering model and funding and share/equity logic
- Establish a legal entity
3. Build
- Set-up org. structures & processes
- Build the solution
- Refine and precise business model based on preliminary work
- Onboard service partners
5. Scale-up
- Improve and standardize solution
- Manage rollout on the scaling axes
- Drive expansion of the organization and partners
- Optimize processes

2. Staff
- Provide an experienced interim team incl. Managing Director Managing Director
- Setup HR-Funnel and onboarding processes to hire and build the future team to scale the venture
4. Operate
- Run full operations
- Manage all business areas
- Do sales and growth marketing activities
- Win first customers
Hand over
- Decide on and execute previously defined option how the start-up should be continued after the scale-up phase, e. g. re-integrate into corporate
Excubate Ventures in numbers
Years experience in transformation, innovation & building and scaling start-ups
Successful projects in digitalisation, innovation & venture building
Different industries served worldwide
Innovative business models developed
Mid- to large-sized companies as clients